About Me

I’ve loved to cook ever since I was little. And I started baking in my later teen years. But then I stopped. A full time career in textile designing and later merchandising took me on a path which left me with little time to pursue my passion, though I still cooked my own dinners. After all a girl’s gotta eat!

A friend suggested I write down my recipes after a while since I was more of an instinctive cook. You know the sort who puts in a pinch of this and a dollop of that, no weights or measures involved, which meant that I had to keep relying on my taste-buds and olfactory senses to help me replicate a dish… woe betide the times I had the common cold and received a heartfelt request from a friend to make something they’d eaten before at my house and loved. So I finally got down to penning down the dishes I cooked. It was hard at first, because I would get lost in what I was doing and had to backtrack step by step.

I’ve got to confess… I still do that at times.

And then one day I had enough of my job and ditched it to trek and wander around my beautiful country (India), venturing out of my comfort zone to meet new people and myself through meditation, and it was blissful. I cooked at the meditation centre on occasion, they had a couple of regular paid cooks and then they had us, a migrant group of unpaid volunteers or servers, who served at the centres during and even off courses, doing myriad jobs, some of which involved cooking, which was my favourite part.

And then it was time to shift gear and I came back to the city, got a bachelors and then masters degree in law… and got back to my loves.

So this is me, a writer, a lawyer, an artist who finds expression through her little clay boys, and a passionate cook and baker, who hopes to someday retire to the hills, buy an old rambling house and convert it into a B-n-B with a cafΓ© for passers-by to hop into for a chat, a game of scrabble, some good coffee, and loads of good food.

36 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the “like”. I love the name of your blog! What an interesting life you have had thus far – kudos to you for venturing into the unknown and doing what some of us only dream about but don’t have the guts to do! πŸ™‚ What a wonderful adventure. I cannot wait to look around your blog! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

  2. Hello Averil, nice meeting you here in the Blog-sphere πŸ™‚ Thanks a lot for your visit in my blog, I appreciate it. Your blog is very interesting and I am happy to follow through πŸ™‚
    Keep up the good work!

  3. For some reason I haven’t been getting your posts even though I have been “following”
    you. 😦 I just clicked on “sign me up” to get e-mails. Hopefully that will work! πŸ™‚

  4. I cook just like you… a pinch of this and dash of that. So when I go to repeat a recipe I have really no idea how I made it the first time. That’s why I started my blog too.. so I could repeat recipes that my family and I enjoyed before without bungling it. It’s hard for me to pull out measuring spoons and stop to take the step by step pictures. It has helped me though to slow down in the kitchen. Thank you for coming by Curry and Comfort and I’m looking forward to sharing recipes. ~ Ramona

    • Yes taking the time out to write things down and taking the odd picture does help to slow things down in the kitchen :-). Loved your blog and I am looking forward to sharing recipes too.
      Thanks so much for all your lovely comments.

  5. Love your blog and your Daisy Pull-apart Loaf. I’m planning to use that to out cook my sister (devious I know…….heheheh). I also share your dream to buy an old rambling house in the hills. We already have one in a small country town but I need more dirt and less neighbours.

    • Thanks so much Kelly… I hope you come out tops in the sister cook-off ;-). Yes, cities are a drag, and though I did get a house in a smaller place it too is now overrun with people, traffic and high-rise buildings. I’m going to have to head out to some remote corner, if there are any left πŸ˜‰

      • Our town doesn’t have mains water of sewerage. The reason for that is that it is surrounded by rock which would be too expensive to blast through. I’ve lived here on and off for thirty five years and all around the district is now housing developments but our village remains the same. Maybe I should just count my blessings

        • Oopsie… Peter isn’t it? Sometimes living a simple life could be a blessing. Development often leads to chaos as civic infrastructure doesn’t keep pace with it. It’s just money for someone at the end of the day but at a heavy price to so many others in terms of the quality of life they’re compelled to live. I do hope they at least lay the sewage water line for you’ll. That is an essential amenity… what about the local civic bodies or your M.P., won’t they do something?

          • We all use septic tanks so thats not really a problem. As for the rest; I think the future lies in the public taking an interest in politics, its direction, its openess and what happens within its framework. Making politics sexy is a difficult sell.

  6. I just found you from today’s post on An Unrefined Vegan. You have so many creative recipes! It’s so great to have found you, and I look forward to seeing more of your creativity unravel. πŸ™‚

  7. Pingback: And the award goes to… | up close in my world

    • Thanks Johnny πŸ™‚ (3rd Leibster btw… but it’s lovely that you thought of my blog and that’s what matters) So Congratulations on your awards and thank you once again.

  8. Hi Averil, I love your blog. all the stuff you make looks gorgeous and YUM! It inspired me to get an oven and try my hand at baking. I am a complete novice and would love to try some of your breads. However, i have a question. Do you use a baking stone for baking breads? The recipes I browsed through don’t mention one. Does it mean that it’s not necessary? It’s really hard to source a baking stone in India and want to know if it’s a must. if yes, is there another way of doing it?

    • Hi Kaveri,

      Apologies for the delayed response. Was away from blogging for a very long time. I do hope you persevered with your baking. To answer your query… All my bread recipes have been baked in an Oven Toaster Grill aka an OTG, albeit a largish one, and no there’s no baking stone involved. So good luck… and happy baking πŸ™‚

Go on! Let me know what you think.